Monday, July 23, 2012

My First Post: Vegan Veggie Pizza

Pizza is something I haven't made very often since I've become a veggie. I've had some bad vegan cheese experiences (I can't handle slimy foods) so I've just kind of avoided making it. But, since my faaja, bro and sis were in town, my gramma offered to make some homemade pizza crusts for us. They slathered theirs in meat and cheese (double yuk) and I put a boat load of veggies on mine and topped it with a raw hummus.

Sorry for the bad pic - I was famished after a long
day at work!

Vegan Pizza

You can add whatever you want but here's what I put on my pizza....
Red, yellow, green peppers
Snap peas
Banana Peppers
1/3 C tomato sauce
2 t oregano

My gramma baked the crusts while I was at work so when I got home I added all my veggies and stuck it in the oven @ 350 for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I made my raw hummus. 

My amazing boyfriend surprised me with a Vitamix yesterday. Let's just say I was pretty close to calling in sick today so I could play with it all day. Anyway, this hummus was the first thing I decided to make in it!

This recipe is from Going Raw by Judita Wignall. My mom and I went to a raw vegan food class at her church and we had a chance to taste this delicious hummus. I'm not a zucchini fan but I totally fell in love with this hummus. 

Raw Zucchini Hummus (my substations are in bold)

2 C peeled & chopped zucchini
1/2 C lemon juice
4 T olive oil
6 cloves garlic (4 huge cloves)
2 t sea salt
1 t paprika 
1 t cumin (not a big fan so I only added 1/2 t)
1/4 t chipotle powder (added 1 t cayenne)
1 C tahini 
2 t minced parsley (1/2 t dried)
Paprika and pine nuts for garnish (my other half has a severe nut allergy - so I skipped this)

Put zucchini, lemon juice, evoo, garlic, salt, paprika, cumin, cayenne & parsley in vitamix (a food processor would suffice). Process until smooth. Add tahini and blend until well incorporated. 

After my pizza was out of the oven I plopped a bunch of the hummus and top. Bon appetit!

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